What is Detox?

A process by which our body gets rid of all types of toxins that our body is exposed to.

Even though traditionally the word Detox has been used for medically removing toxins from our body for overdose of specific harmful substances, the benefit of detox have been established for many centuries.

Detox in one form or another has been practiced for many years in many religious and cultural groups for a long time.

The basics always being: To get rid of toxins to keep the body healthy and functioning.

The body is inherently built to remove the waste from body on daily and at regular intervals, still toxins acn build up in body and need regular treatments. Detox is a key component to medical weight loss.

Who Should do Detox?

Everyone is a candidate to do DETOX.
However specifically if you have any of the following symptoms you will definitely benefit from doing DETOX
Chronic: Recurrent headaches
Fatigue: Unexplained
General malaise: Unexplained
Chronic pain: And taking many pain medications Chronic fatigue syndrome
Recurrent infections: Upper respiratory, UTI or any other Gaining weight
Weight loss: Plateau phase Metabolic disorders
Chronic medical conditions: Many medications, pain, fatigue.

What Exactly is the Process of Detox in the Body?

Detox in the body has 2 distinct phases.

PHASE I: Detoxification through Liver.

PHASE II: Detoxification through Kidney.

Final Excretion through GI and Urinary Tract

How Does it Work?

There are definitely specifically enzymes involved called P450 involved in phase I through Liver. There are many cofactors and co enymes involved in the phase I and phase II Detox process from Liver and Kidney.

In this DETOX process, all high quality enzymes are protein and higher protein diets have been shown to increase the activity of these enzymes while chronic high-carbohydrate intake may have the opposite effect.

Amino Acids that are building blocks for the proteins and enzymes are all supplied for the very crucial process of detoxification.

Why Detox?

More than ever before in past 30-40 years, due to rapid industrialization, increased and easy transportation causing increased world wide mobility, cross religious and cross cultural ways of life we are more than ever exposed to Novel types of toxins on a daily basis.

How do we get Toxins get in to our body?

Our Body gets toxins from 1 of the 3 main ways
By mouth: Other Living organisms, From ground non living organisms, pesticides, herbicides, colors , chemicals for preservatives etc.
From Air: Inhaled from environment, inhaled from recreational use smoking, recreational activities, pollen
Locally on skin: from various creams, lotions and potions. Recreational tattoos etc.

I Eat Clean Washed Food And Do Not Indulge In Any Recreational Activities: Do I need to do Detox? Am I Still At Risk Of Ingested Or Inhaled Toxins?

Yes You can still be exposed to Toxins as they are embedded in our everyday food drinks and air around you. Many Persistent organic pollutants (POP) are definitely more in the air today than ever before. These are the industrial pollutants herbicides, pesticides,chemicals that enter body from food water and air. These toxins when trapped inside body cells over time can interfere with your healthy immune system functioning. The Detox system supports the body’s natural tow-phase process of detoxification, allowing toxins to be safe and effectively cleansed from the body.


1. Developmental
2. Reproductive
3. Behavioral
4. Neurologic
5. Immune Function

Benefits & Highlights of Detox from Designs for Health

  1. Made from ingredients grown and processed here in US. For example Pure Pea Protein is made of Pea grown locally in US.
  2. Contains Glutathione: Best Antioxidant known as master antioxidant.
  3. Riboflavin, Niacin and Vitamin C: necessary for glutathione functioning between various forms and all are present in Vegecleanse plus.Another important selenium also helps augment the functioning of anti-oxidant function of the Glutathione.
  4. Sulfur containing compounds: Help with sulfation process of detoxification.
  5. In addition to above, DETOX from DFH provides healthy bile production and excretion through GI tract. The bile is produced and excreted in a more efficient process, another step in healthy detoxification.
  6. For added immunity, Molybdenum is added in the Detox from DFH.
  7. For those who believe in acidity of their blood and want to add more alkalinizing food and fruits, Detox from DFH has these fruits and vegetables in a Proprietary blend in simple effective way to use.
  8. To provide Detox and prevention from harmful effects of various ingested hormones causing cancers, Calcium D glucarnate is available in this Detox packet. This activity of rendering the toxin more water soluble helps with excretion.
  9. Glucomannan: Powerful dose of fiber is incorporated in this Detox. This helps reduce chances of constipation and again helps excrete the toxins.
  10. The Detox from DFH is a complete Nutritional bundle in itself, providing you with high quality Protein , all minor and major nutrients along with all vitamins and minerals in appropriate doses.

What They Are Saying

Did this Vegemeal detox for the last two weeks. Feeling energized while losing about 10 Lbs. Perfect time to detox while you have to be home anyway! Dr Mantha’s plan worked for me. Perfect start to a more plant based diet and healthier lifestyle.


Hadn’t done a detox for awhile and was excited to get started. Dr. Mantha was so supportive. I am glad I did it. I feel great.


I felt great on this cleanse. I have much more energy.


I lost 13.2lbs and I stuck with it. I was able to stick to it the whole time and I am glad that I did.