If you’re tired of dieting and spending too much of your week at the gym without seeing any improvement in your problem areas, we want to introduce you to a treatment that can change everything. At Verve Weight Loss & Laser Aesthetics in Upland, CA, we offer SculpSure, a revolutionary non-invasive body contouring treatment that heats stubborn fat, kills those fat cells, and then lets your body take care of the rest.

How Exactly Does SculpSure Work?

This treatment relies on the work of the innovative device and the body’s work to help you achieve results. This fat reduction process begins here in our office; the rest of this process takes place at home slowly during the weeks that follow your treatment as your body flushes the dead fat cells from your system. As it does, you’ll notice that your problem areas will appear tighter, slimmer, and will have significantly less fat volume.

Heating the Fat Cells

During the treatment process, the SculpSure device will heat your fat cells by using radiofrequency energy. Radiofrequency energy is heat energy that increases the temperature of the fat cells to a range that they cannot withstand. This range usually falls between 106 and 120 degrees, but regardless, it results in cell death.

The benefit is, the heat doesn’t hurt any of the surrounding tissue. You will feel a warm sensation during the treatment, and your skin may feel warm to the touch for an hour or so after your session, but it will return to normal.

A Professional Process

While heating fat cells may seem like a simple premise, it’s not something that you can DIY at home. You cannot go lay out in the sun or apply heat to your problem areas in an attempt to kill fat cells. Doing so wouldn’t be a safe way to target fat cells, nor would it be effective because this device is designed to deliver radiofrequency energy as heat energy and damage the fat cells.

You can’t buy a radiofrequency DIY fat-melting machine on Amazon, nor should you ever invest in such a product if it comes out because it won’t be the safest option. However, you can schedule a treatment at our office, and our technician will place the device on your target problem area, and after one treatment, you’ll be on your way to a tighter and more toned-looking you.

The Body’s Role in Removing Fat Cells

Once you undergo treatment, and we use the SculpSure device to effectively target and heat your fat cells, that heat will destroy those cells, but they will remain in your treatment area once your appointment is over. You won’t see an immediate improvement in your problem areas as soon as your treatment is over, but you will in the weeks to come. We initiate a process that your body must complete.

Flushing Fat Cells From the System

Your body knows how to handle metabolic waste, which the fat cells become once they die. However, it doesn’t flush the cells out all at once. This process does take time and typically happens within three to four months of your treatment. Your body will use your lymphatic system and other metabolic processes to flush the fat cells out, and as it does, you’ll see those problem areas improve.

One way to track your progress is by taking pre and post-treatment photos to compare against one another and measuring your progress through inches lost.

Taking measurements at the beginning of your treatment and tracking your progress each week will show you that your body is working hard to remove those fat cells, and you will continue to see improvements every week following your treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Treatment Painful?

SculpSure is a comfortable, non-invasive treatment that doesn’t cause any pain. The radiofrequency energy will create a warming sensation on your skin, but other than that, you won’t experience any discomfort.

Your technician will make sure that you remain comfortable throughout your treatment and adjust the device as needed. We can promise you that this treatment will be far less painful than a grueling workout spent trying to target your problem areas.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Different patients require different treatment plans to achieve their goals. Some patients benefit from a few sessions; others schedule more to target multiple areas of their bodies. At your consultation, we will evaluate your treatment areas to determine how many sessions will benefit you and help you reach your goals.

Will Anyone Know I Underwent This Treatment?

Since this treatment relies on your body to deliver gradual results, you won’t ever look as though you went and had something done. Your results will appear gradually, so no one will have to know that you scheduled this treatment if you don’t want them to.

Friends and family will notice a change in your appearance because the results can be dramatic, but your results will appear slowly over time, just like the weight loss process.

What Areas Can the Device Treat?

SculpSure is designed to treat some of the most common body areas that hold onto stubborn fat. It can reduce the total fat volume in the thighs, back, abdomen, love handles, and submental fullness under the chin.

If you have a specific area you want to treat not listed, you can address it with one of our experts at your consultation to determine whether this treatment can help you reach your goals.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

SculpSure is not a weight-loss treatment. It specifically targets fat cells so your body can eliminate them and you can reach your body goals. Patients who have reached a healthy body weight and have a BMI of 30 or less make good candidates for this treatment. The best patients are those who live a healthy lifestyle but cannot achieve their body goals by changing their diet or adjusting their fitness routine.

Some stubborn fat is just resistant to diet and exercise, so you must continue to exercise and eat well to not sabotage your results after this treatment. This treatment provides patients of all fitness levels with the ability to improve their appearance by targeting and eliminating stubborn fat.

Elite Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

Some of the most defined athletes and bodybuilders struggle with stubborn fat. Despite a thorough understanding of what they should and shouldn’t eat to hone their body to near perfection, they often have areas that they just can’t change. SculpSure can do what a diet and an exercise routine cannot and will eliminate those fat cells so you can get one step closer to perfection.

Are the Results Permanent?

Once the fat cells in your problem areas are destroyed, and your body eliminates them, they can’t come back. Your body can’t regrow fat cells, but the ones remaining in the treatment area can expand if you gain weight post-treatment. The best way to maintain permanent results is to eat a healthy diet, exercise consistently, and make healthy lifestyle choices. Doing so will help ensure that you enjoy your results permanently.

Learn More

This treatment can deliver some transformative results within just a few months of beginning treatment sessions. Contact us today at Verve Weight Loss & Laser Aesthetics Upland, CA, to learn more about this innovative body contouring treatment and how you can use it to sculpt your body to perfection.