At Verve Weight Loss & Laser Aesthetics in Upland, CA, we know that most people want to change something about their appearance, whether that’s eliminating lines or wrinkles or enhancing their features. For that reason, we offer several dermal fillers and cosmetic injectables that can do it all. They can smooth lines and wrinkles, address volume loss, eliminate a double chin and perfect your appearance to help you look like an improved version of yourself.

Are Injectables Right for Me?

Cosmetic injectables are anti-aging treatments that can be used to treat volume loss and dynamic wrinkles on the face, restore youth to the hands, and even eliminate a double chin. Whatever your cosmetic concern, one of our injectables can help treat it.

Treating Dynamic Wrinkles: Botox

At our office, we offer Botox, a cosmetic injectable designed to treat dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles form on the upper half of the face as a result of repetitive expressions. As you age, your skin loses elasticity, and lines and wrinkles form. These wrinkles often appear at the outer corners of the eyes, the forehead, and between the eyebrows.

Botox is FDA-approved to treat and temporarily eliminate forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Once you begin treatment with Botox, you’ll see results within a week of your injections, and your results will last anywhere from three to six months. As soon as your results wear off, you can schedule a follow-up treatment to maintain those results.

Who Is a Candidate?

Anyone with dynamic wrinkles on the upper half of their face that have formed from repetitive expressions can benefit from Botox injections. This treatment will relax the muscles to smooth the skin and help restore youth to the face naturally. An initial consultation with one of our experienced injectors can help determine if Botox is right for you. We will create a treatment plan that addresses each area of concern to help you reach your cosmetic goals.

Treating Volume Loss and Enhancing the Features: Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are designed to restore volume and enhance facial features. If you have lines and wrinkles on the lower half of your face that have formed from volume loss, one of the fillers from the Juvederm or Restylane collections can help restore volume to your skin.

Both of these collections contain fillers made of synthetic hyaluronic acid-based gels that inject volume below the skin’s surface to deliver an immediate plumping effect. They can smooth facial folds, lines, and wrinkles and restore volume to the skin. They can also define, lift, and contour the cheeks and add volume to the lips to address volume loss or help create better facial proportions.

Adding Volume to the Hands

We can also use Restylane to restore volume to your hands. Over time, the hands experience volume loss just like the face does. Tendons, veins, and bones appear more prominent and make your hands look older than you’d like. Injections into the hands with one of the Restylane fillers will help fill those hollow areas and restore a youthful appearance. You’ll see immediate results that will last for several months at a time.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

One of the benefits of dermal fillers as they are fast-acting and long-lasting. They deliver immediate results that continue to improve for several days post-treatment. The results can last a year or longer, depending on which formulation is used to treat your area of concern. We can provide you with a better idea of what kind of results you can expect and how long they will last when we create your treatment plan and choose the right product for your needs.

Who Is a Candidate?

Patients who want to treat volume loss, contour their faces, enhance their appearance and augment their lips make good candidates for dermal fillers. A consultation with one of our injectors will determine whether Juvederm or Restylane will best meet your aesthetic needs. We will review your problem areas, confirm that you are not allergic to any ingredients in the injectables, and create a treatment plan to address one or more areas of your face.

Treating Submental Fullness: Kybella

Submental fullness is the technical term for a double chin. Some patients are genetically predisposed to develop a double chin; others develop one as a result of weight gain. Whatever the case, if you have a double chin, you’re aware that it’s very difficult to treat since you cannot spot-treat stubborn fat. There is now an injectable that can help reduce the appearance of a double chin, and it’s called Kybella.

Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a synthetic version of a substance your body makes naturally. Your body uses this substance to break down dietary fat; the synthetic deoxycholic acid in Kybella helps break down fat cells below the chin. Once these fat cells are broken down, your body will eliminate them naturally over the next several months. You will see your double chin gradually disappear within three to four months of beginning the treatment.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

You may need one or multiple injections to achieve your desired results based on the degree of submental fullness you want to treat. Patients can schedule a maximum of six injection appointments with three to four weeks between each to achieve their desired results.

Who Is a Candidate?

Anyone who suffers from submental fullness may make a good candidate for Kybella. We will address your concerns during an initial consultation and evaluate the area below your chin and your upper neck to see if Kybella can help treat your submental fullness. Once we confirm that Kybella is right for you, we can begin treatment, and you’ll be on your way to a more sculpted and defined chin profile.

Creating Your Treatment Plan

There are many different cosmetic injectables that provide patients with a way to improve their appearance and still look natural. To determine which of these products are right for you, we will begin with an initial consultation. We can use one or more of these products to treat your different areas of concern.

They can easily be combined and often administered during the same appointment to save you time and help you achieve the most comprehensive results as quickly as possible. Once we evaluate your problem areas and confirm that you are a good treatment candidate, we can begin the injection process.

The Injection Process

All of these products are housed in an injectable form and are fitted with a very fine needle. Many contain lidocaine, but even if they don’t, we can apply a topical numbing solution to your skin pre-treatment to ensure that you remain comfortable throughout the process. Each injection is virtually painless and will bring you one step closer to achieving your goals.

The Aftercare

When you choose Botox, dermal fillers, or Kybella to treat your problem areas, you won’t have to plan around downtime, but you will have to care for your treatment sites to ensure the best results. You must avoid strenuous workouts for 24 hours post-treatment. You must also avoid touching the treatment site and any environment that elevates the body temperature, like a hot yoga class, cooking over a hot stove, or even sitting in a hot tub or sauna.

At the end of your appointment, our injector will provide you with a complete list of aftercare directives so that you know how to care for your skin, what to avoid, and what you can do to promote the best results.

Perfect Your Appearance With Injectables

If you want to address aging or perfect your appearance, we can help. All of our injectables are safe and effective and will improve your appearance in a quick and simple treatment. Contact us today at Weight Loss & Laser Aesthetics in Upland, CA, to learn more about the products we offer and determine which ones will help you become the best version of yourself.